Everyone has a seat at the table.
Plan a Visit
Our Location
We meet in historic 1st Congregational Church in downtown Redlands. Park in our lot or on the street (Olive or Cajon). Kimberley Hall is right in the middle of the courtyard, which should be full of people (FCC’s service ends at 10:30am) and grab some cookies and coffee. And for anyone with some social anxiety: we say we start at 10:45, but it’s rarely before 10:50.
NOTE: we are having joint-worship service at 9:30am on 9/08 (with tacos to follow) and an all-church retreat on 9/15 (you can join us in Idyllwild at 9am for breakfasted worship or join FCC at 9:30am)
Our Kiddos
We have a nursery in the Christian Education building (which is directly across the patio from Kimberly Hall) and our elementary-aged kids go in the basement of the main church building. You should see signs, but just ask anyone if you are unclear. Your kids will join you at the very end of the service as we worship together as one church.
Our Vibe
Pastor Jon has had to step up his game since he began preaching at FCC (in the old days he’d preach barefoot), but the rest of the church is pretty casual. We sometimes won’t have music to provide more diversity in worship, but most Sundays are 2 songs of worship, a 25 minute sermon, communion, and 3 worship songs at the end.