Sunday Sermons
3 Prophets :: A Good Death
How does one preach on the decapitation of John the Baptist? We have no concept of an honorable death, which makes this passage perplexing. Or are we perplexed by life? Given by Pastor Jon on 7/24/23.
3 Prophets :: Are You the One?
John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus, is (by Jesus' own words) the greatest of all prophets, and is... in prison? Given by Chaplain Krista Messam on 7/09/23
3 Prophets :: Who Are You?
By Jon MacDonald
Posted July 2, 2023
Today we meet the 3rd person to wear the cloak of Elijah: John the Baptist, who came to prepare Israel to meet their Messiah. Given by Pastor Jon on 7/02/23.
3 Prophets :: More with Us
Posted June 25, 2023
One of the great things about tracking the life of a Biblical character is that you can see growth and change. This week: one of the most fascinating and beautiful passages of a nonviolent peace in history. Given by Pastor Jon on 6/25/23.
A Holy Hospitality
Posted June 18, 2023
Rev. (almost) Dr. Kimani Francois uses Psalm 22 & 23 to talk about our questions of God, our faith in God, and the power of belonging. Given on June 18, 2023.