Lent :: The Kingdom Is Near
Jesus begins with the words: Repent and believe, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near. The Good News Jesus preached was that God has come near to us. Given by Pastor Jon on 3/09/25.

Prepare the Way :: Death of a Prophet
We conclude our series on the life of John the Baptist with a tragic non-Hollywood ending (on the same day as the Academy Awards). Given by Pastor Shaun on 3/02/25.

Prepare the Way :: That Joy Is Mine
A dispute breaks out in front of John the Baptist. Some have questioned the legitimacy of John’s baptism and his own disciples are discouraged as the crowds begin to move towards Jesus. So John gives them a secret: He must become greater as I become lesser. Given by Pastor Jon on 2/23/25.

Prepare the Way :: Baptizing the Water
John the Baptist is the voice calling in the wilderness, preparing the world for Jesus. And when He finally arrives, John realizes that he did not understand what was happening like he thought he did. Given by Pastor Jon on 2/16/25.

Prepare the Way :: Repent!
The call to repent is a call to change. John the Baptist prepares us for the good news by calling us to turn home. Given by Pastor Jon on 2/09/25.

People of God :: A Confessing People
Paul writes that, when someone is caught in sin, we are to restore them with gentleness. He pictures a community of radical honesty and acceptance. Given by Pastor Jon on 2/02/25.

People of God :: One Body
Paul gives us the most famous image of church in all of Scripture: One Body. Given by Chaplain Krista Messam on 1/26/25.

People of God :: No Longer Strangers
Pastor Shaun uses the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch to illustrate Paul’s promise that we are no longer foreigners and strangers. Preached on 1/19/25.

Advent :: How God Remembers
As we close out the year, we reflect on the year that was to prepare for the year that will be. How can we reflect on 2024 together as Christians. Given by Pastor Jon on 12/29/24 at FCC (we had no formal service at FCC).

Advent :: God with Us
John, in the prologue to his Gospel, calls Jesus “The Word Made Flesh.” The significance of this statement is impossible to measure. Given by Pastor Jon on 12/22/24.

Advent :: The Good Shepherd
Isaiah gives us a vision of God’s might & power coming to us… as a shepherd. Surrendering to a king like Caesar looks very different than surrendering to a shepherd like Jesus.

Imago :: God of Restoration
At the beginning and end of history stands a tree; the Tree of Life. Our exile will not be forever, and God will make all things new again and return us to the Tree of Life. Given by Pastor Jon on 11/24/24.

Imago :: God of Reconciliation
The first poem in Scripture is a promise to gain vengeance. Jesus has a different view on how peace comes to us. Given by Pastor Jon on 11/17/24.

Imago :: God of Peace
David was denied the privilege of building the temple that would bear God’s Name because he was a man of the sword. Jesus enters the temple, having wept for Jerusalem, and confronts those who had forgotten that the temple bears God’s Name and is to draw all people to God. Given by Pastor Jon on 11/10/24.

Imago :: God of Justice
This week we look at how Habakkuk and Jesus’ parable of the persistent widow give us the secret to praying without giving up: Thinking rightly about God. Given by Pastor Jon on 11/03/24.

Imago :: The Image of God
In our new series, we lay a foundation: Jesus is the full and complete revelation of God. Given by Pastor Jon on 10/27/24.

Learning to Surrender
What is the difference between surrender and resignation? Pastor Lloyd Gilbert walks us through Isaiah 51, folding in his own personal experiences. Given on 10/20/24.

Blessing :: May We Be One
In the conclusion of our series on Blessing, we give Jesus the final word. In His final prayer before heading to the cross, He prays (literally) for us. That we would be one. Given by Pastor Jon on 10/13/24.

Blessing :: May We Find Comfort
Paul refers to God as the source of all compassion and comfort. That is great news, although there is an easily-overlooked condition. Given by Pastor Jon on 10/06/24.

Blessed :: May Peace Guard You
This is a different sort of blessing: exhortation. How can we find a peace that guards our heart and mind? Given by Pastor Jon on 9/29/24.