Romans :: The Groan of Creation
Paul writes that creation groans for us to be revealed as God’s children as we groan for adoption. This is the flow of salvation: our groaning leads to our salvation. And what emerges is beyond our ability to imagine. Given by Pastor Jon on 5/12/24.

Romans :: Suffering & Glory
How is suffering connected to glory? And why is suffering an inevitability in following Jesus? Given by Pastor Jon on 5/05/24.

Romans :: A New Way of Being
After talking about the vision of the good life, we finally get to the question of how? The answer… might surprise you. Given by Pastor Jon on 4/28/24.

Romans :: We Bear Fruit
We are created to bear fruit; the only question is what sort of fruit we will bear. Given by Pastor Jon on 4/21/24.

Romans :: No Condemnation
In our new series on Romans 8 we examine the flesh and Spirit and God’s vision of a good life. Note: sorry if the audio is a bit choppy. Two film clips were edited out of the audio and we were visited by a police officer who needed a few cars moved for the Redlands Bike Classic. Given by Pastor Jon on 4/14/24.
A Humble Faith
As Jesus walks through a crowd a woman reaches out and touches Jesus... and is healed. Given by Rev. Kimani "Kiki" Francois on 04/07/24.

Lent :: Safe to Hope Again
He is risen! As Mark draws his gospel to its conclusion, it does not end like you would expect. Given by Pastor Jon on Easter morning.

Lent :: The Death of God
Jesus cries out with a loud voice: My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? There’s more going on here than we might think. Given on Palm Sunday (4/24/24) by Pastor Jon.

Lent :: The Silence of Jesus
Jesus is brought before Pilate and makes no defense against His accusers. Amidst the anger, cynicism, and fear, Jesus shows us how to find peace. Given by Pastor Jon on 3/17/24.

Lent :: The Trial of God
Jesus is arrested and all of the disciples scatter. What do we do when we are disappointed with God? Given by Pastor Jon on 3/10/24.

Lent :: Keeping Watch
Jesus leaves the upper room to pray and invites His disciples to join Him, but they fall asleep. Given by Pastor Trey on 3/03/24 at FCC (Sorry- Resto audio was lost).

Lent :: The First Last Supper
Jesus prepares a place for His disciples and then tells them that one of them will betray Him. How can we show the mercy we’ve been shown? Given by Pastor Jon on 2/25/24.

Lent :: A Holy Waste
In our Lenten series through Mark’s account of Jesus’ final days, we lay out our theme for Lent and offer some insight into Mary’s costly gift. Given by Pastor Jon on 2/18/24.

Learning to Wait :: Sabbath as Waiting
In the conclusion of our series on waiting we look at Jesus’ teaching on the Sabbath and the invitation to find our rest in Him, for there is no rest outside of Him. Given by Pastor Jon on 2/11/24.

Loving Our Kids :: February 11th
Help us make Restoraion a community that loves, listens, and ensures that our children belong here.

Learning to Wait :: One Thing Is Needed
Continuing our series on Learning to Wait, we see the invitation from Jesus to release what is urgent as we find what is important. Given by Pastor Jon on 2/04/24.

Learning to Wait :: Abide
In His final address to His disciples, Jesus invites them to abide. What is abiding and what are some practical ways we can learn to abide as Jesus intends? Given by Rev. Dr. Trey Clark on 1/28/24

Learning to Wait :: The Lucky Few
NYT bestselling author Heather Avis draws from her personal experiences to illustrate Jesus announcement that God’s favor rests on the poor in spirit. Recorded on 1/21/24.

Learning to Wait :: The God Who Sees
Pastor Shaun gives us a deep dive into the life of Hagar as a victim of forces beyond her control and as someone who names God. Given on January 16th, 2024.

Learning to Wait :: Waiting is Learned
In one of Jesus’ more obscure parables He reinforces the spiritual value of waiting. In a high-speed world, the church must learn to wait together. Given by Pastor Jon on 1/7/24.