Youth Summit

We spent four months hosting monthly Youth Summits. Before we summarize our thoughts, let’s hear from our youth themselves:

Here is a summary of what we learned:

  • Our teenagers are aware of the mental health crisis, impact of phones, media, and technology, and spiritual hunger than they are generally given credit for.

  • They are looking for conversations and connection more than a program.

  • There is a general sense that adults don’t take them seriously and that they understand more than they are given credit for.

  • There is a desire to know God, Scripture, and be engaged with church in ways that have space for questions and exploration.

  • It is an extraordinarily difficult time to be a teenager. What they are facing is without precedent. They are looking for adults to help navigate that world alongside them.

  • Our youth take their faith seriously (it’s very important to them) but want space for questioning and exploration. Discipleship is what they are looking for.

And here are some next steps for us: 

  • Intentional integration into Sunday mornings, especially in leading us through our weekly liturgy.

  • Create space for deeper connection with each other (fun!), exploring faith through curiosity, and engagement with the adults in our church.

  • Moving to twice monthly gathering during our Sunday service. The first Sunday of the month will be led by the Venables, and the thirst Sunday of the month will be led by an adult from our church.

  • Quarterly (minimum) social off-site events and an annual retreat.


Romans :: God Is for Us


Romans :: God Is with Us