Following Jesus, as a family, for the good of the world.
What if a church just focused its attention on Jesus?
An open-handed church in a close-fisted time
Jesus came to make peace. As a church, we are focused on Him in building a community centered on His life and teaching. We confess that without Jesus there is no peace.
Get to Know Us!
We meet at 1st Congregational Church on Sundays at 10:45. Come early to drop your kids off, enjoy a cup of coffee, and make you way into Kimberly Hall. Click below for more details of what to expect.
Our Kids
It takes a village to raise a village. For that reason, on any given Sunday, you’ll find parents of other Restoration Kids volunteering to serve in children’s ministry. It’s important to us that each child is known and loved by the congregation.
Our Story
Much as changed since our church began in 2007, but there are a few things that have not changed. Throughout the years we have met at different times and places, but the core values at the center of our church have been there from day 1.